Thursday, May 14, 2009

Catching up is hard to do

I can't believe we're already more than half-way done with May. 2009 is flying by, and the kids are growing like crazy!

Our little football player Ethan is ON THE MOVE! He's got the army crawl down to a sport, and with our slick, wood floors he is superfast. I was telling someone today that having a little boy as a second child is a huge adjustment. Even as an infant, Emma was fairly content most of the time to sit still and play with her toys. Not Ethan. And for some reason, he is always after the power cords. He's our super-adventurous little man, and I have realized that as much as Emma is all prissy girl, he is rough-and-tumble boy. Just how God designed them to be...

And our sweet little princess is learning and growing so much. She's just gone through a huge growth spurt and put on about three inches. Makes those summer shorts we bought in March a little too short, so we had to get some new ones. She's getting really excited that she gets to have her "own school" at her "own house" starting this fall. I was going to wait another year to start homeschooling, but she really wants to learn about her "A-B-C"s and her "alphabets".

Here are a few pictures of what May has looked like so far for "Team Delaney" (that's what we call our family when we're talking to the kids).

Daddy and Ethan showing off his muscles. Grrrrrrr!

Emma and her pal playing in the inflatable pool. The great part is, we didn't even have to put on sunscreen because they were under the patio!

Hopefully May will bring lots more excitement and we'll be able to post some new pictures soon...

1 comment:

The Noy Maker said...

We homeschool the kids to! I don't know if you have "curriculum" or not but I use My Father's World and it's AMAZING! They have preschool-HS material. It's centered around the Bible. Elijah did 1st grade this year and Abi K. It's amazing how much they learned as well as the heart lessons and bible stories. The website is They also have a message board which is awesome and filled with experienced homeschool moms always willing to offer support, encouragement, and answer ANY questions! Just wanted to share.