Friday, May 29, 2009

Funny stuff

I used to love the show Kids Say the Darndest Things. Although, I always wondered what the parents thought. Were they embarassed? Proud? Wondering where their children heard the things they were saying?

I think Emma is in that stage now. She says things, and I am not sure if she's repeating something she's heard me say or if she's learning to express her own thoughts more eloquently. Either way, here are a few funny conversations we've had lately.

(While riding in the car to her grandparents' house)
Emma: Why we have to go to Papoo and Gigi's?
Me: We don't have to, but we want to go see our family.
Emma: Oh.

(Five minutes later...)
Emma: Why we have to go to Papoo and Gigi's?
Me: Because we love our family, and we want to spend time with them. Why, do you not want to go?
Emma: No, I wanna go.
Me: Okay.

(Two minutes later...)
Emma: Why we have to go to Papoo and Gigi's?
Me: We just do. Why do you have to ask so many questions?
Emma: (without a second thought) 'Cuz I a kid.

(And on another occasion in our bedroom, when Emma was obviously feeling a little jealous about the attention we were giving her brother)
Me: Emma, are you sad?
Emma: Yeah.
Me: Why? Do you not want a brother anymore?
Emma: No. I not want a brother.
Me: Why not?
Emma: I want a baby sister now.
Me: Oh.
Emma: Can we go get her tomorrow?

Don't you just love the way the three-year-olds look at the world?

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