Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Who has time for this?

Wow! I have one thing to say: I am so impressed by my friends with multiple children who have time to do this whole blogging thing. I am glad to make it through the day with a shower and with everyone fed. Those are my big accomplisments these days!

Other than that, we have not been up to much. I still have a week until I am officially "healed" from the c-section, and I am having a hard time taking it easy. It's hard explaining to a three-year-old why you can't pick her up. Unfortunately, though, I have gone against doctor's orders once or twice and picked her up. BAD IDEA!

Ethan went for his one month check-up on Monday.
12 lb. 5 oz.
24 in.

Our baby is HUGE! His weight is in the 95th percentile, and his height is off the charts. I think Emma might have been the same way, though. Our kiddos seem to hit their growth spurts at different times than most of the population, apparently.

So, we've had our ups and downs and nights when all I wanted was for Ethan to go to sleep so I could rest. But I have to say that God has been faithful to give me the strength to make it through each day. There are plenty of times when I have thought that I wouldn't make it to the end of the day without crying or losing it, but God has filled me with peace in those rough times!

What a crazy journey we are on right now! And I could not imagine my life any differently.

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