Wednesday, October 1, 2008

One week later...

We have been a family of four for an entire week! It's so hard to believe. Yes, we're definitely losing sleep, but it is so worth it! So what have we been up to this last week? Here's the update:

  • I am still recovering from the unplanned C-section. Apparently after sitting vertex for 36 weeks, Ethan decided to flip to a breach position during the last few weeks. The doctor said this rarely happens. I have to say, though, it is not as painful as the recovery from Emma's birth.
  • We took Ethan to the doctor for the third time today. His bilirubin levels have been a little bit high, but they had dropped to a good level today. He weighed 8 lbs. 14 oz. Crazy thing is, he was only 8 lbs. 10 oz. yesterday. Whoa!
  • And if you can guess, he's a big eater! Usually every 1.5-3 hours, depending on the time of day. He has been wonderful enough to save the longer stretches (3 hours) for nighttime feedings.
  • Emma has been a great big sister. She is very nurturing and always wants to see or touch him. Her only moments of grief have been when she wants something and Dan and I have been occupied elsewhere.
  • Dan has done such a great job taking care of us. Between dealing with a pain-medicated wife to a sometimes-whiny toddler to a baby who can make some SMELLY diapers, he has been wonderful through it all.
  • I have lost 22 lbs. from my last OB visit before Ethan was born. That means I have lost 11 lbs. that were pre-Ethan. Woo hoo!

Here are a few pictures we took of Emma and Ethan today. He looks so much like she did at this age. I do all the work carrying them for nine months and giving birth, and they both end up looking like Dan. Go figure. :)


kellyliz82 said...

Great photos! And I can relate, I have two that look nothing like me.... what's the justice in that???;)

Lindsay said...

he is so handsome!

The Stuckey Family said...

...and you still have time to make a beautiful blog! : )