Thursday, May 15, 2008

Emma's first "table"

Isn't it cute how toddlers use words they already know to name new things? While shopping at Target with my wonderful husband and daughter, we came to the game section. Emma fell in love with a Littlest Pet Shop puzzle, and since she's never owned one (and it was only $4), we decided it would be a good educational investment.

Emma was SO EXCITED about her "table" the whole way home--Dan couldn't figure out what she was talking about until we got it back to the house and she pulled it out of the bag. "My table, my table, my table!" is all that we heard until we got the box open. She had so much fun watching us put it together and trying to help. After a few days, she has gotten pretty good at figuring out where most of the inside pieces go (we still have to finish the puzzle frame before she knows where to put them).

Isn't it amazing how their little minds work at this age? She is like a sponge that soaks up everything she sees and hears. I love it!


Lauren said...

Aww. I loved "tables" when I was little. I am so excited about your previous update also. Can't wait to meet the little man. Praying for you and him.

Lindsay said...

so cute! thats impressive she is getting it already. roman is really into tables also. i get great deals on them at yard sales too!