Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So what's been going on?

Two entire weeks since my last post. I am having a hard time keeping up with this blog. I have been really bad about not taking pictures the last few weeks, so I haven't posted on here. I am going to start bringing my camera everywhere so I don't forget.

In the meantime, here's a little of what's been going on in the Delaney house:
  1. Dan has been working like crazy. I love my husband and the fact that he wants to provide for his family. We have really learned to enjoy the time that he's at home because we're not getting as much of it these days.

  2. Emma and Ethan are both growing, of course. Ethan is nursing every 1.5-3 hours and is not on a good schedule yet. Our pediatrician said to let him eat on demand until he's about two months old. Only a few more weeks and (hopefully) we'll be able to get on a good schedule.

  3. We've been getting TONS of hospital bills. Thank goodness that God is in control, because I would be freaking out otherwise.

  4. I've been working on making some Christmas presents...and realizing that it's hard to find time to do that stuff.

  5. I've also been reading through the Psalms during my quiet time. The last time I read through Psalms was about 7 years ago when I was going through one of the most difficult times in my life. Reading through them again has been a great reminder of how far God has brought me. His amazing grace has sustained me in good times and bad.

  6. One of the shift keys on my keyboard is sticking, and it's driving me crazy! One thing I cannot tolerate is bad grammar. :)

Here are two cute pictures of the kids from over a week ago. They have been keeping us on our toes, but we are enjoying them so much!

We'll be taking some family photos this weekend, so I cannot wait to post them.


Lindsay said...

yay for updates! you are doing so great! I called you yesterday. Are we doing Sunday for pics? it will be cute to get some of emma and roman together too since Edisto was over a year ago?..i think...

Anonymous said...

Boo say's,
Colleen sent me your blog page and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I especially enjoyed the kiddies photos. You do a wonderful job of expressing your thoughts and all the love, joy and pride you have for your family. Good job Jennifer. Love ya, Boo!

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