Monday, August 25, 2008

Nesting has its advantages...

Oh yes, it does...Although Dan might disagree! With only 4-5 weeks to go, I have found myself in major nesting mode. Here are the top 10 things I have been able to accomplish in a few short weeks of nesting:

  1. The nursery is finished! It was ready over a week ago. What a huge relief.
  2. The house has been (almost) cleaned from top to bottom. I just have to do some dusting, light sweeping/mopping, and cleaning the windows. This is the cleanest my house has been in a year!
  3. The laundry hampers are all empty! Clean clothes all around.
  4. I have frozen some veggies to get us through part of the winter with fresh produce. I would like to do some more, but being on my feet for the blanching, cutting, and bagging has become a little difficult.
  5. I have managed to enter almost half of our contacts into a spreadsheet. Up until this point, I had home addresses written on envelopes, scratch paper, and everywhere else where you could lose it.
  6. I have had time to prepare my husband's lunches for almost a month straight! He eats healthier, and we save money.
  7. I sent all the birthday cards I was supposed to this month. Never happened before. Ever.
  8. I have thoroughly cleaned out Emma's room. Old toys, socks, shoes, pants, and shirts are gone. It's a lot less cluttered.
  9. We are finally in the process of preparing a will. Not something you want to think about, but with a child (and soon to be two) you don't want to leave things up in the air.
  10. I FINISHED EMMA'S SCRAPBOOK. 48 pages in less than a month. I don't ever want to do that again, but it was so much fun! I'll just have to keep up with it now so I don't run into that problem again.

On top of that I have started getting up earlier every day to get my day started in the Bible, not by the sound of a child crying. Coffee sure would help, but I have noticed a difference in how I feel for the entire day.

So, that is what's been up with me. Not to mention, my wonderful husband has been working super-hard and has been incredibly patient as I ask him to do so much (on top of working two jobs). Hopefully, this blog will be updated soon. I have ordered the new blog kit, so I just have to put it together and get it up. I can't wait for everyone to see it! :)


kellyliz82 said...

You go girl! I wonder if there is a way to nest without being pregnant.....

Lindsay said...

yeah! i want to come see the nursery! and you know once baby comes i will be picking emma up for a few playdates at our house! I need to send you the pics of the shower- some cute ones!