Monday, September 8, 2008

A few things I've learned...

Ever since Emma's birthday, things have been somewhat calm in the Delaney household. Nothing big going on with Nerve2Serve or church, no big family gatherings, and no updated information on when our little man Ethan will officially join our family.

In the quiet of this past week, I have been learning and reflecting--two of my favorite things to do. Here is what I've seen, heard, and realized:

  1. Waking up to spend time with God before Emma is running around is the most refreshing part of my day. It gives me time to be alone with God, to talk to and hear Him, and to just thank Him for His goodness.
  2. When I wake up early enough, I also have time to send emails and do other projects that would take me at least twice as long to finish once Emma is awake. :)
  3. I REALLY love my husband. He had an incredible (or what would seem to be incredible) opportunity arise last week, and he turned it down because he knew it was not what God wanted.
  4. When you do what God asks of you, the reward and blessing is sometimes almost immediate. (in reference to #3)
  5. I am such a nerd! Yesterday while Dan and Emma were playing (yes, I think that Daddy has officially become the new favorite) I spent 30 minutes researching craft projects to make for Christmas presents. I cannot wait to get started.

That's all the excitement I've had for a week. Just a little calm before the "storm" of having a new baby. Not the bad kind of storm, though...

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